Frolicon’s Money Exchange Policy

Frolicon’s Money Exchange Policy

There are 6 places at the convention where money can change hands: 
1. Registration
2. Native Guides Booth
3. Vendors Hall
4. Artist Gallery
5. Frolicon approved Fan-Tables
6. My office
That. Is. It.

Unless you have made arrangements to sell your goods and services in one of those places YOU CAN NOT SELL ANYTHING OR ACCEPT PAYMENT IN ANY FORM AT FROLICON. Let’s break it down even more.

– You can not make things to bring and sell.

– You can not set up your own table and sell.

It is against hotel policy. They will throw you out (and possibly pursue legal action depending on what you are doing).

If you have business cards or flyers you would like to hand out at the con…go for it! We’ll even put them in the reg bags so every single person at the con gets one!

– There is a No Tipping policy at Frolicon. This includes tipping for any services provided at Frolicon by Frolicon or its volunteers. This will include The Retreat, bag check, con-suite, etc. Tipping is a legal form of payment. See above paragraph regarding sales and services out of hotel rooms.

If you are caught doing any of the above mentioned things you will be asked to stop. If you do not stop you will be asked to leave. And by “asked” I mean Cj will be called to handle the situation. You don’t want CJ to be called to handle the situation.

The notable exceptions are of course the 6 places mentioned above (for example after Miz Marrus paints your beautiful face with one of her beautiful designs while sitting at her Vendor Room table feel free to tip her).